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Membership Benefits

The #1 Tourism Association in Eastern South Dakota: Glacial Lakes has established many partnerships with organizations and associations across the state to market and promote eastern South Dakota's attractions and resources.

Website Exposure:

Your business listing will appear on the association's website,, with your 50 word listing along with a free link. Nearly 120,000 visitors last year!

Special Member Rates in Our Magazines:

Members pay the lowest rates for display ads in the SD State Vacation Guide and the Northeast Regional Visitors Guide (non-members pay double the member prices).

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Northeast Regional Visitors Guide:

Glacial Lakes & Prairies Tourism Association publishes and distributes 45,000 guides at travel shows, tourism businesses throughout the state, I-90 & I-29 information centers, and by mail to those requesting information about the region. It also includes a business directory of all association members. All members will receive a 50 word listing in the guide. Members will receive a supply for distribution upon request.

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Electronic Guide:

In addition to your listing in the Northeast Regional Visitor's Guide, your listing will be included in the electronic Northeast Regional Visitor's e-Guide. Your e-listing will link directly to your website.

Redlin Visitor Information Center:

Member's are allowed to have one brochure (4" x 9") in the Terry Redlin Art Center. The brochure must be approved by the Executive Director (some exceptions made for cities and government agencies).

South Dakota State Vacation Guide:

Co-published by South Dakota Tourism and the regional associations, this publication provides tourists with statewide information. The association aids in producing and distributing the publication to 480,000 potential visitors around the world. All Glacial Lakes & Prairies members receive a discounted rate should they choose to advertise in this publication. Members will receive a supply for distribution upon request.

Members Only Inquiry Database:

The vacation guide inquiry database is available by request to members only. The database is a great way to market your business through a direct mail program utilizing these qualified contacts.

Sports & Travel Shows:

Through co-op marketing efforts, Glacial Lakes & Prairies attends several travel shows in target markets including Omaha, Minneapolis, and Sioux Falls. As a member, you will have the opportunity to have your brochure distributed at the show for a nominal fee.

Sports & Travel Show Mailing List:

Receive a copy of the mailing list obtained from visitors who stop by at the booth to request information about our recreation and attractions in Northeast South Dakota (available by request).


The association serves as a watch-dog on legislative issues that could adversely impact the tourism and hospitality industry. Representatives from the association also serve as liaison to the Governor's Tourism Advisory Board as well as the Visitor Industry Alliance.

Web Vacation Package:

Put together a vacation package that includes an overnight stay along with an attraction or event, possibly meals or additional activities. It must have one price, one contact and a date range the package is valid. Give your package a festive theme like "Golf Weekend Get-a-Way". List your vacation package(s) free on

Literature Swap:

This annual event allows you to deliver an initial supply of your brochures to all of the South Dakota Interstate Information Centers as well as swap them with other tourism businesses around the region.

South Dakota Highway Maps:

South Dakota Maps are available to members who request them.

Calendar of Events:

Post your special event on the regional community calendar at for thousands to view. This information is also used in area radio advertising as well as social media outlets.

E-Mail Marketing to Visitors:

Visitors are able to receive our monthly E-Newsletter which includes vacation packages, features member businesses, and promotes upcoming events and attractions.


Stay informed with visitor industry news, opportunities and special events and attractions within the region, and the state.

Banner Advertising:

Members have the opportunity to purchase powerful banner ads which will directly link to your own website.

Social Marketing:

Our members and visitors can stay informed about upcoming events and attraction through our presence on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Toll-Free Request Line:

Able to fulfill visitor inquires through the information request line (1-800-244-8860).

Become a Member

Join our effort to celebrate and promote all of the great things in our region. Become a member.

Member Pricing

Learn more about the different pricing options for members.

See what Members are saying about Glacial Lakes & Prairies Tourism Association

Member Testimonials